March 2012

Hotel Room Mai Tais

March 28, 2012 · 3 comments

Last week for Julia’s spring break we traded the hustle, glamour and grime of New York for the laid-back charms of Hawaii.  (It’s odd to be suddenly back on a school holiday schedule at my age, but it makes for a nice excuse to take a vacation.) We stayed at a lovely resort on the […]

I’ve made this dish more times than I can count, and it’s become a family favorite that’s also special enough for a full-fledged dinner party.  It tastes rich and luxurious, but it’s quick and nearly foolproof.  The recipe includes a quick homemade stock, but if you’re short on time (or patience), you can substitute a […]

I’ll start with this:  they’re worth it.  The contrast between the rich, creamy chocolate filling (like the chocolate pudding of your childhood, but better) and the flaky chocolate crust that cradles it is sublime, and the garnish of fruity olive oil and sea salt complements both in deliciously unexpected ways. When I serve them, the […]