Don’t Worry, You Don’t Need a Diaper Bag

January 4, 2010 · 1 comment

Baby BagLast weekend we got the happy news that our good friends’ first child had been born, a healthy baby boy.  Of course, I had been dispensing unsolicited advice for months.  I remember one evening in particular.  Between cocktails and dinner we had taken the couple to a baby superstore in Manhattan with the aim of helping them sort out which of the staggering number of products on the market they would actually need.  It was going pretty well, all things considered, until one of the expectant fathers, a stylish man, stared at a wall of dowdy diaper bags and turned to me with a look approaching panic.  Midnight feedings, diaper changes, colic, college tuition — these were all things he was prepared for, I think, but bad accessories just weren’t a burden he had considered.

Fortunately, a man (or a woman) can carry a good bag and be a good parent:  you don’t need a diaper bag.  In fact, I think you’re better off without one.

First, with very few exceptions, your choices range from hideous to bland. Second, most are just too big.  You’re carrying a small number of supplies for a very small person, not delivering the mail.  Finally, and most importantly, they’re just one more thing to lug around at a time when your hands, arms and shoulders are in high demand.  I think the better way to go is to consolidate your and your baby’s gear into just one bag –one thing to carry (besides, of course the baby) and one location for all of the essentials.

Fortunately, this is easy to do.  A baby’s needs can be urgent, but they’re simple: diapers, a changing pad, a little food, a soft cloth, maybe a pacifier or a little toy. They fit easily alongside the bulkier stuff of your more complicated life.  And you can use nice bags that any man (or woman) would be happy to carry anywhere, provided they’re a little on the large side.  A shoulder strap is essential, an inside pocket or two is good, and you should be able to open the bag with one hand, but other than that, I don’t think there are any special requirements.  I like a tote because it’s roomy and flexible (my favorite one is pictured above), but a messenger bag, gym-style duffle or a large brief bag will work just as well.

That evening at the superstore there was one product near those diaper bags that I did recommend, though.  It was a portable changing kit that wraps a few diapers, a case of wipes and a pouch for things like ointment inside a flexible changing pad and easily slips into your bag.  It’s not essential, but it is handy.

Mine (pictured above and below) is the Change-Away!, available at for $8.99.

A nicer (but slightly bulkier) model is the Skip Hop Pronto, available for $29.99 at

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