Julia’s Room (Southampton)

July 7, 2011 · 4 comments

Any day now Julia will be ready for her “big girl bed.”  It’s coming, and if it’s like her walking, talking and potty training, it’ll happen suddenly:  one evening she’ll just climb in and never look back.

Feeling change in the air, this sentimental father took a few pictures of her room in Southampton today to help us remember these first happy years.  I thought I’d share a few with you.

The day bed --also available for sleepovers by special invitation to grandmothers, godparents and other special guests.

Especially favored house guests are invited to play with blocks.

In case she ever wonders where she first acquired her taste for Danish modern . . .

Her fascination with giraffes seems to have passed, but I think we'll hold onto this.

The soon-to-go crib. With the orange sheet. It's very important that we have the orange sheet.

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